

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Prayers for persecuted 🙏🙏✝️"North Korea's Fiery Furnace -" International Christian Concern

"Songbun is a unique social classification system that the North Korean regime uses to segment society into three levels of loyalty to the regime: core, wavering, and hostile, based on a citizen's ancestral and personal loyalty to the state. Any perceived disloyalty automatically eliminates the opportunity to reach the highest songbun known as core...

Much like Nebuchadnezzar and all false tyrannical systems that listen to and mimic the beast, the state demands that all its citizens, but especially Christians, must bow before its tinsel statue. Those that won't are thrown into the fiery furnace. But unlike Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, precious few escape the state's wrath...
